スクリーンショット 2020-11-23 午前9.25.56.jpg

Our Events/Tournaments

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Mt.Lawley Verified UTR 1 Day FAST4[UTR 1.0-6.5 Players Only]Co-ed Level-Based Singles[12.DEC]

Mt.Lawley Verified UTR 1 Day FAST4[UTR 1.0-6.5 Players Only]Co-ed Level-Based Singles[12.DEC]

Congratulations to all the players that competed quality matches.

Congratulations to winners
Division A : Aaron Tan /Division B : Karin Hiramatsu /Division C : Lucas Sirbu /Division D : Misty Woodhouse/Division E : Oliver Spehr /Division F : Tomoki Smyth /Division G : Phoenix O'neill
Congratulations to Veronica Lombardi for winning the Grit & Sportsmanship Award respectively.

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U12/14/18 YONEX Junior UTR Masters Robertson Park TC
to 23 Dec

U12/14/18 YONEX Junior UTR Masters Robertson Park TC

  • 176 Fitzgerald Street Perth, WA, 6006 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kent Yamazaki and YONEX Australia had worked together closely to achieve results. YONEX will support our events. We will plan to organize YONEX equipments demo session during this tournament. U12/U14/U18 all events have boys and girls separated events.[Registration till 15 Dec]https://app.myutr.com/events/33145

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U10 Greenball YONEX Junior Robertson Park TC
to 23 Dec

U10 Greenball YONEX Junior Robertson Park TC

  • 176 Fitzgerald Street Perth, WA, 6006 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kent Yamazaki and YONEX Australia had worked together closely to achieve results. YONEX will support our events. We will plan to organize YONEX equipments demo session during this tournament. U10 events have boys and girls separated events. [Registration till 15 Dec]https://app.myutr.com/events/35617

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