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![YONEX High Performance UTR Doubles 1 Day Money Event [(Sun)19Dec UTR7-9/UTR 9-12][Hensman Park]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f3261583b7d79280d20403f/1639642696956-PMYI1QE45BXI4M7J9OUZ/fcec4cfd-198b-48c9-97bf-f1306071627c.jpg)

Mt.Lawley Playtennis UTR 1 Day Doubles
Today we completed the 2020 Kent Yamazaki & Bob Brett Foundation 1st Doubles UTR event at Mt.Lawley Tennis Club. Congratulations to all the players that competed in finals matches today and to everyone for competing hard in our event. Congratulations to winners Maindraw winners Scott Webster /Tim Gray And well played to our finalists Kaey-Den Tan/Gookyeon Lee.

Tennis Approach Cottesloe UTR 1day Series
Thank you for supporting the 2020 Kent Yamazaki & Bob Brett Foundation Cottesloe UTR Series co-ed Tennis event. Congratulations to all the players that played in finals matches today and to all of you for your competitive effort. Huge congratulations to our winners: Division 1 Brendan Jayaprakash /Division 2 Isabella Kessey/ Division 3 Tom Ahern Division/ 4 Isadora Lane /Division 5. Mollie Heller /Division 6 Thomas Gaitatzis

Alexander Park UTR Tournament Series
Congratulations to winners Division 1 Marko Mrdak ,Division 2 Brendan Jayaprakash , Division 3 Nemanja Savic ,Division 4 Suyash Makesar , Division 5. Lincoln Duckett ,Division 6 Freddy Heather ,Division 7 Griffin Castles

Hensman Open UTR Masters Series (UTR Men 10/Women 8.0 above)
Congratulations to Derek Pham and Jessie Culley for going through undefeated and winning the UTR Masters Series Singles Champions. Congratulations to James Newton , Oscar Giorgio for winning the Men’s Division 2 & 3 titles.